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Disruptive Art Gallery

Giuseppe Migneco - Il pescatore , 1988

Giuseppe Migneco - Il pescatore , 1988

Regular price €11.000,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11.000,00 EUR
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Autore: Giuseppe Migneco

Titolo: Il pescatore, 1988

Tecnica:  Olio su tela

Misure: 35x45 cm

Cornice: Cornice in legno

Firmata a mano dall'artista, fronte e retro, accompagnata da Certificato di garanzia da galleria d'arte ed expertise di illustre critico d'arte e docente dell'Accademia di Belle Arti.

The artist:

Giuseppe Migneco (1908-1997) was an important Italian painter, exponent of the artistic movement of Realism and member of the Milanese Corrente group, a movement that opposed academic formalism and celebrated art inspired by everyday life and social issues.

Migneco was originally from Messina, Sicily, and the bond with his homeland profoundly influenced his artistic production. Sicily, with its traditions and activities linked to the sea, such as fishing, represented a world of great human and symbolic intensity. The fishermen, often present in his paintings, embody not only a profession but also an existential condition made of toil, sacrifice and a deep relationship with nature.

Migneco's works are characterized by a vibrant pictorial language, with intense colors and energetic brushstrokes, which underline the harshness and dignity of the lives of these workers. Through his paintings, the artist wanted to give voice to the humblest, celebrating their authenticity and resilience. The fishermen also represent a link with Sicilian tradition and identity, central elements in Migneco's artistic vision.

Migneco alla Biennale di Venezia

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